Our Risorgimento
The Unification of Italy in 1861 was the subordination of the Italian Risorgimento to the interests of the House of Savoy and of industrial and agricultural block: in the light of developments of the national capital within a unified market, and its colonization of the South by military force. E 'therefore natural that the same ruling classes now emphasize its exploitation of the working class and the masses of the South, celebrate their victory 150 years ago, wrapping it in the flag and country hymns. As is natural that its members involvement in the event of the solemn papal Church: that first shot for about thirty patriots of the Risorgimento, then excommunicated 'the Kingdom of Italy, but finally reconciled its ruling classes in the name of common financial interests , agricultural, real estate.
For the same reason the Communists, and even consistent democrats have nothing to celebrate March 17. The Risorgimento that we are claiming is what lost: the popular uprising of the 5 days of Milan in 1848 later disarmed by the army of Savoy, that of the Republican Revolution of 1849 in Rome, then drowned in blood by the French troops called by Pope Pius IX, but above that, you connect the Risorgimento fight for a perspective of social liberation of the exploited and oppressed, against the liberal bourgeoisie and the democratic field Mazzini.
Two names stand out among the many activists and leaders of the revival folk who wanted to end the release of 'Italy: Filippo Buonarroti and Carlo Pisacane.
The first partner in France of Gracchus Babeuf organizing the first attempt of the communist revolution in history ("The Conspiracy of Equals" in 1796) was the main organizer and director until his death in 1837 of the secret societies "Jacobin revolutionary" in Europe. In Italy this is expressed in what was, until the development of democratic petty bourgeois Mazzini's Young Italy, the most important secret society "carbonara": the "Sublime Perfect Masters", the third and highest degree of commitment meant the oath the realization of social equality through the abolition of private property.
The second, Carlo Pisacane, the hero of the ill-fated attempt to Sapri of 1857, who fought for the construction of a party "socialist revolution" in Italy, saying prefer not to Savoy and Habsburg polemic against the democratic republicanism of Mazzini and his slogan "God and the people" in the name of the struggle between classes and the social revolution.
historical times were immature then the victory of those generous attempts. But they prefigured in the folds of the Risorgimento, the Italian revolutionary future of the labor movement: that of Antonio Gramsci and the Communist Party of Italy in 1921.
Therefore, only a government employees' free Italy from the current ruling classes can retrieve the historical thread of communism Risorgimento and its heroic pioneers. Bringing to power the revival defeated. Realizing all the way to its best social aspirations, democratic, anti-clerical. By redeeming the concrete memory of those who gave their lives even then not for a dictatorship of industrialists and agrarians, but for a social revolution, for a "revolutionary dictatorship to establish a perfect equality" (Buonarroti) for a "terrible revolution, changing the social order which will benefit all of what now can profit of a few "(Pisacane).
Communist Workers' Party Executive Committee
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