Friday, March 11, 2011

Elgydium Toothpaste Retailer Phoenix Az

Marcegaglia Forli wins the line of class struggle

were held between 10 and 11 March elections for the renewal of the RSU Marcegaglia Forlì. Fiom secure a majority of the votes at the factory (54% or 170 votes out of 313 valid votes) and won even more sharply among workers with a profit of 57% (162 votes out of 280).

If you turn your back on criminal mass organizations for sectarian content of fiction, is no less criminal passively tolerate the subordination of the revolutionary mass movement to the control of bureaucratic cliques openly reactionary or conservative masked ("progressive").
The union is not an end in itself, but only one of the instruments used in the march towards the proletarian revolution.

And then? Next, without illusions, but with the certainty that an important step forward you are done!


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