Lenin 1921 - The main result, basically achieved by Bolshevism and the October Revolution in politics is to have dragged its people were most oppressed under capitalism. Layers that capitalists were crushed, cheated, robbed both under the monarchy and in the bourgeois-democratic republics. This yoke, this deception, this robbery of the work of the people by the capitalists was inevitable as long as there was private ownership of land, factories, workshops. The substance
Bolshevism, the Soviet government, is that they expose the lies and hypocrisy of bourgeois democracy, abolishing private ownership of land, factories, workshops and by concentrating all power in the hands of the state of the working masses and exploited. These masses take politics into their own hands, that is building a new society. It is a difficult task: the masses have been brutalized, oppressed by capitalism, but it does not exist and there can be no other way out of wage slavery, slavery of capitalism.
You can not, however, to involve the masses in politics if you do not attract women. Under capitalism, in fact, half of the human race, made up of women, doubly oppressed. The workers and peasants are oppressed by capital, and, moreover, - even in the most democratic bourgeois republics, remains in first place, legal inequality, ie the law does not grant women equality with men in Secondly - and this is the central question - they suffer the "domestic slavery", are "slaves of the house", stifled by the work meanest, most humiliating, harder, more degrading, kitchen work and home within the narrow confines of home and family.
The Bolshevik Revolution, Soviet destroys the roots of oppression and inequality of women far more deeply than, until now, have dared to no party and no revolution. With us, in Soviet Russia, no trace has not been legal inequality between men and women. The Soviet government abolished all of the inequality is particularly vile, despicable and hypocritical that impresses the right marriage and family, the inequality in respect of children.
This is just the first step towards the emancipation of women. Yet this first step did not dare to do any of the bourgeois republics, even the most democratic. He did not dare, stopping in front of the timid "sacred private property". The second
step, the most important was the abolition of private ownership of land, factories and workshops. Quest'abolizione, and it alone, opens the way for full and effective empowerment of women, to his release from the "slavery of home," because it marks the transition from petty domestic economy closed to large-scale socialized.
This step is difficult: we must transform the "orders" more deeply rooted, traditional, inveterate (in truth it's infamy, of barbarism and not of "legal"). But the transition has begun and we went to work and already running on a new path. At
international day of workers, workers of all countries of the world, gathered in countless meetings, will send their greetings to Soviet Russia which began work extremely demanding, difficult, but great, global, a harbinger of true emancipation of women. Echo appeals brave not to be intimidated by the fierce and sometimes bitter reaction of the bourgeoisie. The more a country's middle class is "free" or "democratic", the more the band rages and rages of the capitalists against the workers' revolution, just take the example of the democratic republic of the United States. But the mass of workers is now awakened. They finally awakened by war imperialist masses sleepy, sleepy, inert America, Europe and Asia back.
In all parts of the world's ice is broken.
The liberation of peoples from the yoke of imperialism, liberation of workers and workers from the yoke of capital makes progress irresistible. This work was undertaken by tens and hundreds of millions of working men and women, peasants and farmers. This work, the work of liberation from the yoke of capital, will triumph throughout the world. (source)
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