Thursday, February 17, 2011

Places To Dirt Bike In Nj

are 28,674 unemployed people in the province!

Forlì- The unemployed are 28,674, 9.6% more than in 2009. The data
decidedly negative about the so-called "chronic" unemployment: 88, 5% of the unemployed, in fact, are workers who have lost or are no longer a job, ie people who were already working but who are unable to re -enter the market. The
11, 5% are those in search of first employment.
Negative data by age: as much as 54.7% of the unemployed falls in the range between 30 and 49 years. Very alarming that 24.9% of the unemployed (one out of four) has more than 50 years.

In 2010, the authorized hours of layoffs in the province was 6,333,000, against 4,635,000 in 2009. The peak is now very long wave of crisis should arrive between March and April: "At that time, we intend to layoffs for many companies and if there are no signs of recovery will be difficult times because after the layoffs can only come mobility, ie redundancies ".

not even who rejoices in the work it does. The only consolidation is that of uncertainty: in the province of Forlì-Cesena goodwill to the work of 2010 were 90.8% for term . Conversely grow the 'atypical' (project contracts, collaborations) 8, 5%, 24.3% of the internships.

All recipes crisis have failed. Now we need to reject any request to the sender of new sacrifices pay those who have never paid, not the world of work. The capitalist crisis is worsening. All illusions liberal or Keynesian, all the recipes of the priests of the capital, are in front of their failure. The costly rescue of the bankers at the expense of taxpayers does not reverse the slope of the crisis, either in America or Europe. A larger wave of recession threat once more the living conditions of hundreds of millions of workers, already burdened by decades of sacrifices. The truth is that only one anti-capitalist perspective can indicate an escape from the real economic and social crisis.
What all of them out, rule the workers!


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