The Sanremo Festival this year will pay a special evening to the 150 years of Italian unification. The fourteen artists in the race, in fact, interpret of songs specially chosen for the occasion. On the evening of February 17, 2011, will be an opportunity to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification 'of Italy on the stage of the Ariston.
The evening event will be titled 'Born to merge with a double reference to Italy and to the music:
to explain the reasons for selecting Gianni Morandi: " We realized that in the evening dell'Unita'Â dedicated to 150 years in Italy Beautiful Hello and Youth were divided, then, have been removed, said the driver of the next Festival of Sanremo, returning to the controversy triggered by the initial decision to include the two songs in the playlist ".
The president of Rai, Paul Garimberti " February 17 will be 'a special day in the living room of Sanremo because it' s the day when the song is mixed with an important anniversary: \u200b\u200bthat of 150 years Unit 'of Italy, exactly one month before the solemn celebrations. "
We asked the artists to record these songs, added Morandi to create a CD that will leave 'testimony this evening dedicated to the history dl'Italia, the disc will be called as the evening event: Born to Combine.
Here is the list of titles, with interpreters:
Patty Pravo, Mille lire per month
Nathalie, my free hand
Roberta Flack, 'O surdato' nnammurato
Giusy Ferreri, The sky in a room
Luca Madonia with Franco Battiato , Night of farewell
Max Pezzali , my Mama give me 100 lire
Anna Oxa , 'O sole mio
Moda'-Emma, \u200b\u200b The Ballad of Sacco and Vanzetti
Tricarico, Italian
Al Bano , Va 'pensiero
Anna Tatangelo , Mom
Luca Barbarossa and Raquel Del Rosario, Farewell, My Lovely, goodbye
Davide Van De Sfroos , Viva Italy.
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