Friday, February 25, 2011

Acrostic Sentence Generator

Libya - insights suggested

"Why Gaddafi's regime is crumbling"
Interview with Angelo Del Boca - historical and anti-imperialist
Tripoli on the verge of capitulation. Until a few days nobody would have bet on the fall of Gaddafi. Libya - just to name a few issues - had a surplus of wealth among the highest in Africa. In 2009 the resources available for expenditure items amounted to EUR 26 billion. Government debt was still, for many years, four per cent of GDP. Utopia unattainable for many Western countries. Why, then, this revolt? We ask the historian Angelo Del Boca, a historian of colonialism, anti-imperialist and deep knowledge of the Libyan revolt Libia.La surprised everyone. Libya is a country seems very solid. What happened?
I have my thesis, different from that advocated in the newspapers. If you have not Cyrenaica difficult to move the riot would not have arrived in Tripoli and led to the end of the regime. Cyrenaica is always a non-domesticated orders because Gaddafi has historically been under the influence of Senussia. Do not forget that it is the region where Omar al Mukhtar has made his war against the Italians and was killed. Traditionally Cyrenaica has never obeyed well the Gaddafi regime, so much so that back in '96 the Colonel had to send even the army, navy air force to quell a riot. No wonder, therefore, what has happened in Benghazi. I am surprised, however, that the revolt has spread even to Tripoli, yes.
Apparently there were no serious reasons why it could provide for a general uprising. It 's true that there is a thirty per cent of young people without a job, but the basic necessities are tiered, and people live quite well.

In Europe we have not seen a Libyan go to the streets to beg. It was a country very different from the neighboring countries. I think there was an external input. There are some groups of Libyans living abroad, the United States, London and Geneva, which was attended by the blog and through the internet, the organization of the uprising. Inside the agitators do not know. There are no celebrities or prominent. But we know that tribes in the mountains above Tripoli have joined the revolt. Among them are the Warfalla and the Berbers.

The same tribe in 1911 gave him a hard time to the Italians, defeated at the Battle of Sciara Sciat. The role of the clan was instrumental in causing the fall of fact Gaddafi. The Colonel has underestimated the tribes of the mountain. He thought with his theory of a third way, that set out in its Green Paper, having dismantled the tribal structure and to have built a modern state. He was wrong. But, after all, had already confessed.

I remember in an interview that I did in '96, he confessed that the Green Paper had been a failure. Believed to have amalgamated the country and built a nation. When I published a step from the gallows, some copies have entered illegally to Libya. I knew then that the interior ministry had blocked the book because it spoke well of Senussia.

The national integrity and state of Libya could really fall apart? Yes

three regions if they could each go their own way. Cyrenaica, for example, still suffers the influence of the brotherhood Senussi and maybe its own government. I do not believe that to lead the country to be Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam, despite his liberal statements. Whether to kill his father, his son cut down. The rebels want to destroy an entire Gaddafi era and do not want to know more. To take over the head of the clan might be some of the mountain.

We must also keep an eye on the army's role, or not?
not a great army, nothing comparable to the 400 thousand men of the Egyptian army. It 'an army of eighty thousand men in Cyrenaica and have sided with the insurgents. And, in part, in Tripoli.

Gaddafi's Libya, not sottovalutiamolo, is also a financial empire with stakes in many banks and Western societies. Is not it?
Berlusconi has concluded a treaty with Gaddafi very superficial, eyes closed, knowing violations of human rights. The Libyans have invested in Italy, give us a third of the oil and gas, and Finmeccanica have relationships with other companies who are working in Libya. We will have some surprises.

The Communist Workers' Party on the facts of Liba:
Read The Power of Gaddafi, in Italy and more: Read


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