Communists and compared neostalinisti
scenario of civil war in Libya, the interference imperialist, the extreme uncertainty information on the events in progress, have become the inspiration of the occasion in some circles of the left to question the very existence of the Libyan revolution and beautify the reality of the Gaddafi regime.
"It 'a civil war, not a revolt, let alone a revolution." "It 's been organized by imperialism, there is nothing spontaneous in contrast to Tunisia and Egypt," "There are claims in the social movement against Gaddafi, but political." "Gaddafi has held an anti-imperialist regime, so you want to drive it." "A Benghazi waves the flag of the old monarchy of King Idris, Is this the revolution? ". And so on ... These positions
-expressed in forms other rooms of the old guard of Il Manifesto, from the Stalinist Fed, and the Network of Communists-are emblematic of the utter confusion as to substance and method in the theoretical knowledge of the Stalinist tradition. And most of the political implications of this baggage counter. And 'well then try to make things clear. Especially in a historical moment in which the 'rise of the Arab revolution is shaking the entire international order and puts the workers' movement and communist revolutionaries a new frontier of policy and strategic battle.
THE Gaddafi's regime to its roots: A Bonaparte "anti-imperialist"
The first consideration is of historical nature.
The Free Officers' coup in Libya in 1969 was certainly a feature "anti-imperialist", as distorted by its military character. But you can not ignore the real nature of the regime and, moreover, its dynamic historical regression in the last 20 years?
The overthrow of the old military Libyan monarchy of King Idris in 69 took place in the more general movement of decolonization developed after World War II: a movement that found a gap in the existence of the USSR and international expansion of its area of \u200b\u200binfluence to 'inside of the same Arab nation.
Like the regime of Ben Bella and Boumedienne in Algeria then, and Nasser in Egypt (which, however, Gaddafi was inspired), the new power of Libyan officials realized undoubtedly progressive social measures: erased the traces of Italian colonialism, the bases closed foreign military, partly nationalized foreign banks (with the acquisition of majority stakes), took possession of the oil resources of the country, launched social protection measures. It was more than sufficient for the condemnation of Gaddafi by imperialism. But it was not the "socialism" - as claimed by the Stalinist parties justify their capitulation to Arab nationalism nor- of workers' power and popular. On the contrary. On the ground
Gaddafi preserved a social market economy, albeit with a strong presence of public control: moreover, the "third universal theory" as Gaddafi called her social doctrine-the traditional modesty-openly acknowledged the principle of private property ( "enshrined in the Koran") at odds with the "totalitarian communism". On the political terrain
erected on the ruins of the old monarchy and despotic military regime in its own, based on the mystique of the Cape, on the denial of elementary democratic rights of workers and the masses (no freedom of association, no freedom of strike, no free exchange of political views in the same field-imperialist ..), bring it on active Libyan society through specific structures of social control and crime (the so-called "popular committees" strictly subordinated to Gaddafi as a sort of his private militia) , with the balance (and between) the clans (such as never put into question, but rather taken as the power system interface), the systematic annihilation of every military form, including larvae or potential opposition to absolutism ( Islamic clerics from traditional Ulema, the weak components of the political opposition inside) The same "new constitution" solemnly Gaddafi promised at the time of the overthrow of the monarchy, remained a dead letter in 40 years: and replaced by the creed of Yamahiriyya (1976) and the messianic religion of the Green Paper, of course, written by the head with a fist.
E 'therefore quite clear that already in the 70 and 80 the communist revolutionaries were certainly defend Libya's Gaddafi (as Nasser's Egypt, as Boumedienne of Algeria ..) from the threats of imperialism, but not could in any way identified in the scope of petit-bourgeois Bonapartist military or embellish the reality of those regimes. On the contrary, they had to act as opposition to the proletarian Bonapartist around a program of anti-capitalist social revolution and workers' democracy and popular: the only perspective that can consolidate and bring up the bottom of the same anti-imperialist democratic revolution. This was indeed the policy of strict independence of the class that Marx claimed against the petty-bourgeois revolutionary democracy and a possible government (see address to the League of Communists in 1850) and the Communist International of Lenin and Trotsky applied towards nationalism "anti-imperialist" or semi-colonial countries ( 2nd Congress of the 3rd International Symposium on the colonial question, 1920). The Stalinist bureaucracy would reverse this setting.
Adaptation of Stalinism during the Second World War, Arab nationalism of petty bourgeois military sectors in the Middle East, was a crime against the Arab revolution and his own anti-imperialist aspirations. All Bonapartist regimes' anti-imperialist "backed by Moscow, and made possible by the very existence of the USSR, they finished one after the other with back nell'alveo imperialism and Zionism with the subordinate. A process already begun in the 70 and 80 (conducted by Sadat and then Mubarak in Egypt), and completed after the fall of the Berlin Wall and Stalinism internationally.
the parable of Gaddafi: FROM BONAPARTE "ANTINMPERIALISTA" A business partner (and crimes)
The Imperial regime Gaddafi was no exception. Subject still imperialist military aggression in 1986 (with the bombing of Tripoli and Benghazi on the American side), and even internationally isolated in the early 90 (with the heavy international sanctions of 92-93), the regime has worked to integrate its own in the new international order, until his "rehabilitation" official in 2003. The end
protective umbrella of the Kremlin, the imperialist aggression against Iraq by 91, increasing the pressure of Islamic fundamentalism threatening the borders (Algeria) with a risk of penetration in Libya, Gaddafi urged in a short time a radical relocation policy.
It undertook a liberalization plan interior, reopened its doors to foreign banks, offered lavish concessions to imperialism in the same oil field, he gave lavish contracts in the field of infrastructure capital to Italian and French, took on the role of ruthless policeman xenophobic policies of the EU, opened détente with Egypt and the Zionist state. Asking in return not only the renunciation of imperialism to overthrow the regime, but an area of \u200b\u200bactive involvement in the financial capital of the West: Libya, the first Italian bank's main shareholder (Unicredit) states in this context.
This change has had important consequences in Libya. At the oppressive nature of the dictatorship has been added to the considerable growth social inequalities, against wages still have to be twenty years. On the one hand, liberalization and privatization, coupled with the growing communion business with the capitalists of Europe, have increased the social privilege of the caste system from the family (wide) Gadhafi's, making the political abuse of power even more obnoxious. For another, the maintenance of social assistance could not prevent the significant increase in youth unemployment (especially intellectual), a feature common to all countries of the Maghreb.: The per capita income in Libya is certainly higher than in Tunisia and Egypt, but only through the traditional media of chicken. Finally, the mixing triggered by increasing integration with social capital alien has eroded the old tribal and territorial balance, atavistic multiplying contradictions and tensions (particularly between Cyrenaica and Tripolitania), to the detriment of the stability of the regime and the unity of the army.
The truth is that Libya's history and its parable is a further lesson for all the supporters, more or less uncritically, the military regimes of the "progressive" (at Chavez, for instance).
Not only do these schemes do not achieve or can achieve, by definition, the power of workers and the masses, but their own autonomy from imperialism is inevitably partial, fragile, transient, sooner or later exposed to the ebb of normalization. This is the reality of the current regime of Gaddafi. Do not see it, and continue to repeat 40 years later, albeit with understandable caution, the old mythology of the Lion of the desert, do not mean any stock of past mistakes and to disarm the revolutionary politics in front of the new situation of the Arab revolution.
But there's more. After removing
in the "logic" of the material basis of a possible revolution in Libya (If Gaddafi is anti-imperialism and the masses have a good life thanks to the subsidies, why should they make a revolution? ) Neostaliniani intellectuals deny the empirical evidence in the same revolution in progress: it would be at best a "civil war", and intended hatched behind the scenes, and in each case as may be called "revolution" the raising of the flag Monarchy?
This building is nonsense. How much money in it the absolute lack of understanding of the historical reality of revolution, with the absolute lack of understanding of the concreteness of unfolding events. Let us reflect on both aspects.
do not know how fellow Burgio, Carara Dinucci or imagine a revolution. Seems to imagine that as a straight path, marked by the mass consciousness, enlightened a clear plan, supported by a uniform social bloc. (And for this .. put off the mists of time). Unfortunately, such a revolution is unknown to human history. Revolutions real, not imagined ones, are highly complex processes. They are not driven by conscience but by the needs and hatred against oppression. Just because mobilize large masses (otherwise not be revolutions) dragged into the arena of struggle the most diverse social strata, the most diverse cultures and traditions, reasons and deeply conflicting interests. This has always been. And more so when the revolution raised against decades of dictatorial regimes, which by their nature have blocked for long time any form of public dialectic and selection of political representatives, uniting against him a vague democratic movement for "freedom." E 'hardly necessary to recall that the first Russian revolution of 1905 against tsarism began under the banner of Gapon priest (later revealed agent of the Tsar) ... The task of communists is not to deny the revolution because it does not correspond to a pure ideal (nonexistent), but to intervene in the real revolutions to develop their consciousness, to counter the hegemony of political or cultural conditions (inevitable in the first phase ), due to the progressive social and political aspirations of the masses at the mouth of a capitalist class.
revolutions against Arab regimes in the course twenty years (Tunisia), thirty years (Egypt), forty years (Libya), the Communists pose exactly this problem.
the processes have different characteristics in different national contexts. In particular, different channels and political organizers of the uprising, and the dynamics of social forces. But wherever the true unifying banner of revolutionary movements immediately was not social but political: the overthrow of regimes, the overthrow of the oppressors. That is why the policy has aggregated flag around himself deeply contradictory names, which tend to capture the scene immediately after the overthrow of tyrants. The great rise of workers' strikes in Egypt, after the fall of Mubarak in the open collision with the "new" provisional military power (and the Egyptian bourgeoisie which supports it) is emblematic in this regard.
The Libyan revolution falls, with its specificity, in this framework. The flag
unifying a large part of the Libyan society is facing in the fall of Gaddafi, the punishment of his crimes, the launch of a constitution, free elections. These are the traditional claims of a democratic revolution.
The flag "monarchy"? It 's just the Libyan flag as opposed to the green flag of the dictatorship. Gaddafi that before there was a monarchy in Libya ( rightly reversed in 69) is a fact. But the flag now under appeal by the masses against Gaddafi does not express the demand for the return of the family Idris. Besides, the royalist opposition is almost non-existent in Libya, and weak in emigration, as documented by the same old Del Boca. That flag represents in symbolic terms, in the desert of political and cultural references, the point of identification and aggregation available after 40 years of the regime against the regime. In the perception of mass is the symbol of a national democratic revolution, not a counter-revolution monarchy. You can not see it?
a fact "pre-ordained and organized, unlike in Tunisia and Egypt, and therefore the long arm of "foreign forces"?. It 's a conspiracy nonsense is typical of the Stalinist mentality that ignores the facts. The chronicle of the uprising in Benghazi, leader of the revolution, is now public domain, even in detail, however, confirmed by the most desperate documentary sources and witnesses. The first anti-regime demonstrations of 15 February, convened on the Internet, based mainly youth and students, were attacked and shot by mercenary forces Karmis directly driven by the son of Gaddafi, who ordered the army to participate in the repression. The horror of the carnage carried out in a city already hit repeatedly by criminal violence the regime, has produced the popular uprising. The same commands are then deserted the army orders Gaddafi, have mutinied, and opened the barracks and arms depots, allowing the arming of the people. The Benghazi 20 days was liberated and its liberation has produced a domino effect throughout the east of Libya, with similar dynamics (uprising, mutiny of troops, armament popular). Where is all this the director of a devil mysterious occult? How can you not see that the revolution is the daughter of the Libyan Arab revolution, driven by the events in Tunisia and Egypt, animated by the same desire for freedom and redemption that is going through, in different forms, all the Arab peoples? After describing the collapse of Stalinism in 89 as an international conspiracy of imperialism, as we want to represent the same plot of imperialism Arab revolution (against regimes allied imperialism ..)?
But Libya is "a civil war, not a revolution," it said. But why, perhaps a revolution can not drag with it a civil war? The great revolutions in history were not even civil war? The English Revolution of 1640, the French Revolution of 1789-93, the same Russian revolution of October 17 are not resolved in civil wars? The same war of liberation in Italy in the 43-45 (betrayed in his revolutionary aspirations of the PCI Togliatti) Did not twisted popular uprising and civil war? One could go on. It 's true in Tunisia and Egypt, the first step of the revolution, with the fall of Ben Ali and Mubarak, did not lead to civil war, despite the hundreds of victims murdered, for the simple fact that in both cases the popular force paralyzed the army, the police has collapsed, the same imperialism has pressed on outside military forces and influenced by self-funded because they avoid a bloodbath, with unforeseeable consequences, and trying to regain political control of the situation (something like we see no easy or in Cairo or Tunis).
Libya is different, for a set of specific reasons: the family Gaddafi did not escape the space available for Ben Ali and Mubarak and the regime has, in the capital, an area of \u200b\u200bdefensive military and held higher; Gaddafi controls consisting of mercenary forces ; the area of \u200b\u200binfluence and political conditions in the 'up Gaddafi imperialism and its military is, for historical reasons, much less than that carried on the Egyptian regime. In this context, the will to resist Gaddafi in Tripoli can drag a civil war (imperialism by offering an area of \u200b\u200bpossible intervention, just a lever in the absence of domestic policy). But why this would eliminate the civil war the line between revolution and counterrevolution? Or you want to suggest, by implication, a policy of defending the revolution against the Gaddafi regime in Libya, in perfect harmony with the position taken by the regime of Chavez and Fidel Castro? In this case you gain clarity, and would have the courage to take responsibility. Certainly very challenging and revealing.
course the full support of the Libyan revolution can not possibly lead to a naive expectation to events. The revolutionary overthrow of the Gaddafi regime is definitely a good thing but will not finish the revolution: open on the contrary its new phase, full of uncertainties and contradictions, and therefore a new agenda of problems and tasks.
Also in Libya, as in Tunisia and Egypt - albeit with a much greater weakness and dispersion-affected different forces are at work to make the Libyan revolution to end a limited and partial or full reconciliation with the historic ' imperialism. The danger today is not by pan-Islamism, whose presence in the Arab revolution is now whole, very limited, and that is very marginal in the same Libya (Cyrenaica Senussia tradition is not fundamentalist). It is rather the work of the tribal areas who are interested in regaining control of the situation after that the revolution-especially among young people, has shaken the dominion of the clan going beyond their borders. It comes from the military areas of the old regime who have abandoned the sinking ship, but they are not willing to give up their privileges and their social status. It comes from the enriched environment of the new Libyan grown up in the opening decade of imperialism, and often intertwined with the Western business world. These forces do not now have an axis of unification and a unique project, also because of their conflicting interests. But they have a common goal: secure the people's revolution, impede the full realization of its own democratic demands, however, prevent its trascrescenza in social revolution, anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist. These are the same forces that may be interested intervention of imperialism in Libya, as a factor of political stabilization and restoration of order: an order without Gaddafi now-factor of civil war with all its risks-but certainly marked by the full restoration dominant hierarchies.
masses Libyan insurgents have an interest in the exact opposite, like the Tunisian and Egyptian masses: to prevent the betrayal of the revolution. From here, a program of action in response: to develop to the end its calls for democracy, since the demand for a truly free and sovereign Constituent Assembly that shirk clan leaders, generals, businessmen, the definition of new political order, and development of the free people's committees who were born in Benghazi and Tabruk, broaden their social base, giving them an elective nature, progressive coordination at local and national, has already been freed from Libya: to make the tools of ' democratic self-organization of workers and the people, refuse to surrender their weapons to the new general, as claimed by the military commanders in Benghazi: popular arming and indeed extend, integrate parallel military representatives elected by the soldiers in the structures of the popular committees, organized its everywhere independent force. At the same time, in social terms, it is asserting a standalone program and complementary reject any opening the market liberalization, deregulation revoke already made nationalization under workers' control and without compensation all the levers of the economy of the country, cancel all agreements made by the regime subordinates with imperialism (from the immediate closure of concentration camps of migrants in Africa).
The fight for this program will not only enshrine the political autonomy of the labor movement and popular of all the Libyan forces of the bourgeoisie, but would make an important contribution to the forward deployment of revolution, Egyptian and Tunisian, a crucial step.
E 'from this point of view, revolutionary, and not the opposite pro-Gaddafi, who is denounced and rejected any notion most clearly of imperialist intervention in Libya. If
imperialism today is studying a possible intervention in Libya, Gaddafi is not because he wants to remove (also already given up). But because he wants to stop the Libyan revolution and the further extension of the Arab revolution. This is his problem.
Imperialism has never had qualms democratic and humanitarian purposes. Throughout its history has militated against democracy and against humanity. His sole vocation is the domain and control over the peoples on the planet. Today are not the cruelty Qaddafi's regime to offend the sensitivities of those who bombed Afghanistan and supports the barbarity of Zionism. But rather the political instability of Libya, the endangering of its oil reserves, the possibility of a further expansion of the revolutionary contagion in the Middle East to the detriment of the strategic interests of imperialism and the Zionist state, in a crucial arena of equilibria world, present and future. Intervening in Libya, behind the hypocritical pretext of humanitarian relief, it could mean regaining a lever in the whole Maghreb, developments and opportunities influence the political processes underway in the region, to weigh all the way its deterrent force. Moreover the same contradictions inter-imperialist push in the same direction. United States and Great Britain are the most active in supporting the view action, because they think to replace the imperialist interests most affected European (Italy and France), and open a wider channel of direct intervention in Africa according anticinese. France would like to avoid this maneuver, in defense of its old sphere of influence in Africa. But I do not know how. The Italian imperialism, the main victim of the fall of Gaddafi (and not just for the refugee issue) seek to recover estremis the delay to avoid being cut off from any division of spheres of influence. What is the only real unifying element of imperialism, in this elbowing of all against all? The settlement of the Arab revolution. For this same reason, the defense and development of the Arab revolution, not rare, should be the unifying element of all the consistent anti-imperialist forces.
"Both the Libyan people arose to settle accounts with Gaddafi, not the old colonial powers against the Libyan people and the Arab"
This word is even more important in Italy, old power dominatrix on Libya, which today celebrates the exact anniversary of the invasion of the Italian colonial government by the liberal "progressive" of Giolitti (1911), under the pressure of the Banco di Roma. "Hands off from Libya, full support for the Libyan revolution against Gaddafi and Italian imperialism "is the rightful claim of the labor movement in our country. In keeping with the opposition that the invasion of Libya Italian Socialist Party, argued in 1911. And as a true act of reparation against the barbaric oppression Italian on the Libyan people for nearly half a century (the extermination of the Libyan resistance, use of poison gas, the launch of the concentration camps .., already at the time of the "democratic" Giolitti).
But this position makes sense if progressive moves by the support the revolution, not to counter (or untenable neutrality between the Libyan regime and the insurgent people).
In conclusion. This confrontation on the issue between the Libyan revolutionary forces neostaliste, by no means simply a manifestation of a divergence occasional, albeit important, of "foreign policy." On the contrary: it represents, from a particular angle, the litmus test of opposing orientations.
A revolutionary party that assumes the ideological communism as a label, but as a blueprint for the conquest of power by workers and the masses-as in Italy at the international level-is led by this same program to recognize the revolutionary processes wherever they gets to defend them, to intervene on their inevitable contradictions, trying to develop their own alternative policy direction in the perspective of the government of workers and poor masses.
groups or parties who instead refer to communism as the ideological legacy of Stalinism, not revolutionary program, without a real fight for power, are inclined to take as an international reference center is not the real dynamics of class struggle and revolution, but the diplomatic and political positioning of its "field" reference state: once the Soviet Union, even when in the name of the interests of the Soviet bureaucracy they were betraying the revolution in English or Italian resistance, and today, more modestly, China or Venezuela's Chavez, even when it means betraying (in this case, fortunately without consequences, direct) the Libyan revolution and Arabic.
And 'the proof, once again, the break with Stalinism and his school is the condition necessary to guide the revolutionary politics in the transition period we are living.
February 27, 2011 - Marco Ferrando
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Saturday, February 26, 2011
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Goodbye Yara.
sad day for us all and this is not rhetoric, a remote hope was alive and we really wanted to find it, bring it home to his family. Someone did not want to, one or more people struggling to define themselves. Wickedness always upsets, you can not get used to the cowardice and cruelty. In concise information given by the agencies ( Milan, 26 February. (AKI) - It 'was found the corpse of Yara Gambirasio, the 13 year old girl disappeared on Nov. 26 ) the full horror of the story . Little interest in the rest, it remains a family which is destroyed immediately thought, but it is not conceivable, shudder.
A thought for Yara, now see everything from up there, your dear family, your parents, your brothers, help them overcome this tragedy, and for your captors to help them understand what they did and it helps us not Hate because it is very difficult.
a little prayer for believers: Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and shine on her perpetual light. Rest in Peace. Amen.
Goodbye little Yara.
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These never change!
Having supported the bombing of Belgrade ... Having helped to finance all the combat missions. Diliberto (PRC-election alliance spokesman PdCI) on the events in Libya said
"Intervention of the European Union? E 'desirable, the Italian government works for this goal. What is happening in Libya is a massacre that can not remain unpunished. The EU will break through the inertia and act, before Tripoli is reduced to a graveyard. " So Oliviero Diliberto, a spokesman for the National Federation of the left, reporters in Catania on the sidelines of a political appointment. (Read)
It 's the case to say: Enough with these charlatans!
Having supported the bombing of Belgrade ... Having helped to finance all the combat missions. Diliberto (PRC-election alliance spokesman PdCI) on the events in Libya said
"Intervention of the European Union? E 'desirable, the Italian government works for this goal. What is happening in Libya is a massacre that can not remain unpunished. The EU will break through the inertia and act, before Tripoli is reduced to a graveyard. " So Oliviero Diliberto, a spokesman for the National Federation of the left, reporters in Catania on the sidelines of a political appointment. (Read)
It 's the case to say: Enough with these charlatans!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Acrostic Sentence Generator
Libya - insights suggested
"Why Gaddafi's regime is crumbling"
Interview with Angelo Del Boca - historical and anti-imperialist
Tripoli on the verge of capitulation. Until a few days nobody would have bet on the fall of Gaddafi. Libya - just to name a few issues - had a surplus of wealth among the highest in Africa. In 2009 the resources available for expenditure items amounted to EUR 26 billion. Government debt was still, for many years, four per cent of GDP. Utopia unattainable for many Western countries. Why, then, this revolt? We ask the historian Angelo Del Boca, a historian of colonialism, anti-imperialist and deep knowledge of the Libyan revolt Libia.La surprised everyone. Libya is a country seems very solid. What happened?
I have my thesis, different from that advocated in the newspapers. If you have not Cyrenaica difficult to move the riot would not have arrived in Tripoli and led to the end of the regime. Cyrenaica is always a non-domesticated orders because Gaddafi has historically been under the influence of Senussia. Do not forget that it is the region where Omar al Mukhtar has made his war against the Italians and was killed. Traditionally Cyrenaica has never obeyed well the Gaddafi regime, so much so that back in '96 the Colonel had to send even the army, navy air force to quell a riot. No wonder, therefore, what has happened in Benghazi. I am surprised, however, that the revolt has spread even to Tripoli, yes.
Apparently there were no serious reasons why it could provide for a general uprising. It 's true that there is a thirty per cent of young people without a job, but the basic necessities are tiered, and people live quite well.
In Europe we have not seen a Libyan go to the streets to beg. It was a country very different from the neighboring countries. I think there was an external input. There are some groups of Libyans living abroad, the United States, London and Geneva, which was attended by the blog and through the internet, the organization of the uprising. Inside the agitators do not know. There are no celebrities or prominent. But we know that tribes in the mountains above Tripoli have joined the revolt. Among them are the Warfalla and the Berbers.
The same tribe in 1911 gave him a hard time to the Italians, defeated at the Battle of Sciara Sciat. The role of the clan was instrumental in causing the fall of fact Gaddafi. The Colonel has underestimated the tribes of the mountain. He thought with his theory of a third way, that set out in its Green Paper, having dismantled the tribal structure and to have built a modern state. He was wrong. But, after all, had already confessed.
I remember in an interview that I did in '96, he confessed that the Green Paper had been a failure. Believed to have amalgamated the country and built a nation. When I published a step from the gallows, some copies have entered illegally to Libya. I knew then that the interior ministry had blocked the book because it spoke well of Senussia.
The national integrity and state of Libya could really fall apart? Yes
three regions if they could each go their own way. Cyrenaica, for example, still suffers the influence of the brotherhood Senussi and maybe its own government. I do not believe that to lead the country to be Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam, despite his liberal statements. Whether to kill his father, his son cut down. The rebels want to destroy an entire Gaddafi era and do not want to know more. To take over the head of the clan might be some of the mountain.
We must also keep an eye on the army's role, or not?
not a great army, nothing comparable to the 400 thousand men of the Egyptian army. It 'an army of eighty thousand men in Cyrenaica and have sided with the insurgents. And, in part, in Tripoli.
Gaddafi's Libya, not sottovalutiamolo, is also a financial empire with stakes in many banks and Western societies. Is not it?
Berlusconi has concluded a treaty with Gaddafi very superficial, eyes closed, knowing violations of human rights. The Libyans have invested in Italy, give us a third of the oil and gas, and Finmeccanica have relationships with other companies who are working in Libya. We will have some surprises.
The Communist Workers' Party on the facts of Liba:
Read The Power of Gaddafi, in Italy and more: Read
"Why Gaddafi's regime is crumbling"
Interview with Angelo Del Boca - historical and anti-imperialist
Tripoli on the verge of capitulation. Until a few days nobody would have bet on the fall of Gaddafi. Libya - just to name a few issues - had a surplus of wealth among the highest in Africa. In 2009 the resources available for expenditure items amounted to EUR 26 billion. Government debt was still, for many years, four per cent of GDP. Utopia unattainable for many Western countries. Why, then, this revolt? We ask the historian Angelo Del Boca, a historian of colonialism, anti-imperialist and deep knowledge of the Libyan revolt Libia.La surprised everyone. Libya is a country seems very solid. What happened?
I have my thesis, different from that advocated in the newspapers. If you have not Cyrenaica difficult to move the riot would not have arrived in Tripoli and led to the end of the regime. Cyrenaica is always a non-domesticated orders because Gaddafi has historically been under the influence of Senussia. Do not forget that it is the region where Omar al Mukhtar has made his war against the Italians and was killed. Traditionally Cyrenaica has never obeyed well the Gaddafi regime, so much so that back in '96 the Colonel had to send even the army, navy air force to quell a riot. No wonder, therefore, what has happened in Benghazi. I am surprised, however, that the revolt has spread even to Tripoli, yes.
Apparently there were no serious reasons why it could provide for a general uprising. It 's true that there is a thirty per cent of young people without a job, but the basic necessities are tiered, and people live quite well.
In Europe we have not seen a Libyan go to the streets to beg. It was a country very different from the neighboring countries. I think there was an external input. There are some groups of Libyans living abroad, the United States, London and Geneva, which was attended by the blog and through the internet, the organization of the uprising. Inside the agitators do not know. There are no celebrities or prominent. But we know that tribes in the mountains above Tripoli have joined the revolt. Among them are the Warfalla and the Berbers.
The same tribe in 1911 gave him a hard time to the Italians, defeated at the Battle of Sciara Sciat. The role of the clan was instrumental in causing the fall of fact Gaddafi. The Colonel has underestimated the tribes of the mountain. He thought with his theory of a third way, that set out in its Green Paper, having dismantled the tribal structure and to have built a modern state. He was wrong. But, after all, had already confessed.
I remember in an interview that I did in '96, he confessed that the Green Paper had been a failure. Believed to have amalgamated the country and built a nation. When I published a step from the gallows, some copies have entered illegally to Libya. I knew then that the interior ministry had blocked the book because it spoke well of Senussia.
The national integrity and state of Libya could really fall apart? Yes
three regions if they could each go their own way. Cyrenaica, for example, still suffers the influence of the brotherhood Senussi and maybe its own government. I do not believe that to lead the country to be Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam, despite his liberal statements. Whether to kill his father, his son cut down. The rebels want to destroy an entire Gaddafi era and do not want to know more. To take over the head of the clan might be some of the mountain.
We must also keep an eye on the army's role, or not?
not a great army, nothing comparable to the 400 thousand men of the Egyptian army. It 'an army of eighty thousand men in Cyrenaica and have sided with the insurgents. And, in part, in Tripoli.
Gaddafi's Libya, not sottovalutiamolo, is also a financial empire with stakes in many banks and Western societies. Is not it?
Berlusconi has concluded a treaty with Gaddafi very superficial, eyes closed, knowing violations of human rights. The Libyans have invested in Italy, give us a third of the oil and gas, and Finmeccanica have relationships with other companies who are working in Libya. We will have some surprises.
The Communist Workers' Party on the facts of Liba:
Read The Power of Gaddafi, in Italy and more: Read
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Mind Frame Of An Anorexic
confirmed the presence of Italian mercenaries in Libya
Geneva, February 24 (AKI) - "We got us even more news sources on the presence of French and Italian between militias fighting mercenaries in the pay of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya against the demonstrators."
E 'because it reveals Hasan al-Jahmi, the Libyan opposition in exile and promoter of' the day Libyan wrath 'of 17 February that ignited the revolt in the Arab country, from his office in Geneva, Switzerland. In an interview with AKI - Adnkronos, confirmed the news released this morning by the Libyan site 'Al-Manar', which spoke of the presence of Italians between the mercenaries who attacked this morning the city of al-Zawiyah, 40 miles west of Tripoli.
"We know that they are experienced instructors in guerrilla warfare - he explains - which are used to train African mercenaries recruited by Gaddafi."
Libyan dissident appeals to the Italian government to "withdraw its support to the Gaddafi regime" and also asked that "all governments that have sent weapons and mercenaries to stop in Libya." In
according to his information "at this time the Libyan city in the hands of Libyan protesters are controlled by the army that rebelled to Gaddafi "(...)
-Contra criminals Italian courses in support of Gaddafi in exchange for money;
-Contra criminal profits Eni and Italian imperialism;
-For international solidarity with the proletariat Libyan;
No to a new mission-imperialist
-Libya to Libyan
-La Your struggle is our struggle!
Geneva, February 24 (AKI) - "We got us even more news sources on the presence of French and Italian between militias fighting mercenaries in the pay of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya against the demonstrators."
E 'because it reveals Hasan al-Jahmi, the Libyan opposition in exile and promoter of' the day Libyan wrath 'of 17 February that ignited the revolt in the Arab country, from his office in Geneva, Switzerland. In an interview with AKI - Adnkronos, confirmed the news released this morning by the Libyan site 'Al-Manar', which spoke of the presence of Italians between the mercenaries who attacked this morning the city of al-Zawiyah, 40 miles west of Tripoli.
"We know that they are experienced instructors in guerrilla warfare - he explains - which are used to train African mercenaries recruited by Gaddafi."
Libyan dissident appeals to the Italian government to "withdraw its support to the Gaddafi regime" and also asked that "all governments that have sent weapons and mercenaries to stop in Libya." In
according to his information "at this time the Libyan city in the hands of Libyan protesters are controlled by the army that rebelled to Gaddafi "(...)
-Contra criminals Italian courses in support of Gaddafi in exchange for money;
-Contra criminal profits Eni and Italian imperialism;
-For international solidarity with the proletariat Libyan;
No to a new mission-imperialist
-Libya to Libyan
-La Your struggle is our struggle!
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O DESPERADOS anti-capitalist?
How Workers' Communist Party (PCL) were invited, about a month ago at a meeting in Bertinoro, at the initiative of the Federation of Left (PRC and PDCI) and the People of the Left.
These two organizations we proposed, in view of forthcoming elections, a list of common anti-capitalist.
We refused and considered not serious and very hypocritical this proposal, since no anti-capitalist wakes up to two months after elections, after being in addition to 5 years in the big crowded center-left. Moreover, while the two parties we made this request, continued to support the same joint (together with their advisers) from which, in words, said he felt distant. In short, a real joke!
To confirm our suspicions, get the article published on Il Resto del Carlino (24-02-11) in a note issued by the PRC circle of Bertinoro explains why, after voting happily together for these five long years, your Council has voted last night against the budget: because the center-left has stopped "involvement", in short because the PD has downloaded them. The PCL, disgusted by the institutional left and its electoral toys, determined to break into the theater of bourgeois politics to expose his tricks and open cracks in its own contradictions, it will, as in Bertinoro in Italy, in complete autonomy from the center- right and center-left and even by those who, like the Federation, it dissociates only after being abandoned on the roadside by his own allies. For the PCL
M. Balelli
candidate for mayor for the PCL-CRQI Bertinoro
How Workers' Communist Party (PCL) were invited, about a month ago at a meeting in Bertinoro, at the initiative of the Federation of Left (PRC and PDCI) and the People of the Left.
These two organizations we proposed, in view of forthcoming elections, a list of common anti-capitalist.
We refused and considered not serious and very hypocritical this proposal, since no anti-capitalist wakes up to two months after elections, after being in addition to 5 years in the big crowded center-left. Moreover, while the two parties we made this request, continued to support the same joint (together with their advisers) from which, in words, said he felt distant. In short, a real joke!
To confirm our suspicions, get the article published on Il Resto del Carlino (24-02-11) in a note issued by the PRC circle of Bertinoro explains why, after voting happily together for these five long years, your Council has voted last night against the budget: because the center-left has stopped "involvement", in short because the PD has downloaded them. The PCL, disgusted by the institutional left and its electoral toys, determined to break into the theater of bourgeois politics to expose his tricks and open cracks in its own contradictions, it will, as in Bertinoro in Italy, in complete autonomy from the center- right and center-left and even by those who, like the Federation, it dissociates only after being abandoned on the roadside by his own allies. For the PCL
M. Balelli
candidate for mayor for the PCL-CRQI Bertinoro
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protests in front of the Libyan Embassy: street Gaddafi, governments, the proletariat!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
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The Desert Fox strikes again
Asked by a journalist of 24 hours: (...) But Gaddafi still has a future or will be overwhelmed by the Arab spring as Mubarak or Ben Ali?
D'Alema There is a strong-weariness of his regime. But Qaddafi certainly have a solid relationship with a part of Libyan society and the economic crisis has not hit here as in other Arab countries.
then Libya is a country with few inhabitants, with a high GDP per capita. It is clear, however, that even here without democratic reforms will not stop the tensions and could lead to an overthrow of the regime. Hopefully in a positive trend. (Source: The Sun 24 hours 20/02/2011)
So D'Alema calls for "democracy" run by Gaddafi ... Greetings.
few hours ago before the 1000 deaths of Tripoli D'Alema said: "It 's at stake is the energy security of our country."
is revealed what the Liberals mean by democracy and human rights!
If all of them out and will not stay even one!
Asked by a journalist of 24 hours: (...) But Gaddafi still has a future or will be overwhelmed by the Arab spring as Mubarak or Ben Ali?
D'Alema There is a strong-weariness of his regime. But Qaddafi certainly have a solid relationship with a part of Libyan society and the economic crisis has not hit here as in other Arab countries.
then Libya is a country with few inhabitants, with a high GDP per capita. It is clear, however, that even here without democratic reforms will not stop the tensions and could lead to an overthrow of the regime. Hopefully in a positive trend. (Source: The Sun 24 hours 20/02/2011)
So D'Alema calls for "democracy" run by Gaddafi ... Greetings.
few hours ago before the 1000 deaths of Tripoli D'Alema said: "It 's at stake is the energy security of our country."
is revealed what the Liberals mean by democracy and human rights!
If all of them out and will not stay even one!
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Monday, February 21, 2011
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The Arab revolution ... FULL SUPPORT TO THE LIBYAN
CRQI page updated. Read
action and declaration. The PCL and
CRQI, are engaged in the difficult but necessary task of international connection. The struggle of the proletariat Arabic, is our struggle.
CRQI page updated. Read
action and declaration. The PCL and
CRQI, are engaged in the difficult but necessary task of international connection. The struggle of the proletariat Arabic, is our struggle.
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The popular uprising against the regime of Cyrenaica Gaddafi is the continuity of the Arab revolution begun in Tunisia and Egypt. A scheme supported for ten years by the Italian governments of all stripes are trying to drown in blood the mass uprising for freedom. Italian left All have a duty to support this revolt against Gaddafi and his protector against Berlusconi, now organizing the defense of the embassy and consulates Libyans.
Bossi and Berlusconi are the first Gaddafi and his accomplices to crimes. They covered billion in exchange for contracts for the Italian capitalists and prison camps (and torture) for migrants from Africa, with the outline of Amazons and exchange "cultural" between the Sultans. Berlusconi's silence on the massacre in progress is only the confession of this hypocritical complicity. For this support to the Libyan revolution is part and parcel of the struggle to overthrow Berlusconi and pave the way for a true alternative.
Communist Workers' Party
The popular uprising against the regime of Cyrenaica Gaddafi is the continuity of the Arab revolution begun in Tunisia and Egypt. A scheme supported for ten years by the Italian governments of all stripes are trying to drown in blood the mass uprising for freedom. Italian left All have a duty to support this revolt against Gaddafi and his protector against Berlusconi, now organizing the defense of the embassy and consulates Libyans.
Bossi and Berlusconi are the first Gaddafi and his accomplices to crimes. They covered billion in exchange for contracts for the Italian capitalists and prison camps (and torture) for migrants from Africa, with the outline of Amazons and exchange "cultural" between the Sultans. Berlusconi's silence on the massacre in progress is only the confession of this hypocritical complicity. For this support to the Libyan revolution is part and parcel of the struggle to overthrow Berlusconi and pave the way for a true alternative.
Communist Workers' Party
Sunday, February 20, 2011
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Sanremo 2011, the winners - and Flack Gualazzi
Gualazzi Raphael is the winner Sanremo Giovani 2011, the singer brought to the Festival by Caterina Caselli respect the Charter of the vigil and easy wins in its category, with Madness of Love, a pop-jazz piece certainly not the usual audience for the Ariston. But what has convinced both the public and professionals. The song, written and arranged by Raphael himself, is part of the album "Reality and Fantasy. In addition to Sanremo Giovani was also awarded the prizes awarded by the critical press and radio room TV.
Roberta Flack with his love Call still won the 61st edition of the Sanremo Festival 2011 conducted by Gianni Morandi. In second place was classified Emma fashion with the song will come in third place and Amanda is free of Al Bano.
next year, from San Remo is everything.

Here's the video of one of the performances Sanremo:
" This festival has really united the Italians in every episode there was something that spoke of marriage, and even if my song is about this. I want to dedicate to all the Italians, who are a great people. And women in particular "Flack said that the stage of the Ariston was flooded with white roses launched by the orchestra to bring out its approval to this victory.
The awards:
a music festival undertone, with a victory expected by many, with the glaring and unexplained deletions Max Pezzali Tricarico the penultimate evening, the exclusion of the first 6 places Giusy Ferreri and Nathalie Giannitrapani.
course is a regulation that has resulted from this review included an evening of the first singers in third place and passed the first night at home watching TV, without the possibility repechages of time.
This will remember that the shadow of the festival. What else? Benigni makes the usual lesson but with less verve than usual since the argument, Morandi always out of place, the gaffes of Elisabetta Canalis. The only positive notes that Luke and Paul were able to bring over Berlusconi satire, hitting a little all, and Belen Rodriguez, who has convinced everyone with its simplicity and cleverness, sang, danced, presented always a cut above the Canalis.
next year, from San Remo is everything.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Theres A Hole In My Tonsils
promoted and rejected the Sanremo Festival 2011
Here are the songs excluded from the Sanremo Festival 2011, among the big definitely out by race:
Anna Oxa with My soul of man
Patty Pravo with the wind and roses
V eniamo young in the race, have passed the first two evenings :
Serena Abrami - Away from it all : original text, perhaps suffering from the thrill of a stage so important, the performance is somewhat uncertain, but perhaps the song that does not help to understand the real possibilities. Rated 5 / 6 insipid.
Raphael Gualazzi - Madness of love: a great curiosity for the new "product" of the team of Caterina Caselli, is excited and feels on stage, but resumed with the minutes passed and by the end we realized the quality of the guy who still the courage to bring festival to a jazz piece. 6 Rating Courageous.
Rai.TV Video - Sanremo - Gualazzi Raphael - "Madness of Love
Micalea - Fire and ashes: the best song among young people and in our opinion one of the best in the festival. A catchy melody, a chorus that remains impressed, the characteristics for success are all there. Considering that it has only peaceful 17 years! Rating 7 / 8. Hope
Roberto Amadio - Like Rain: Not great emotions that this singer is not very nice on stage, probably because of anxiety from Ariston. The piece does not say much, not very original, smoothly, without jerks. Rating 6 - Heard.
Here are the songs excluded from the Sanremo Festival 2011, among the big definitely out by race:
Anna Oxa with My soul of man
Patty Pravo with the wind and roses
V eniamo young in the race, have passed the first two evenings :
Serena Abrami - Away from it all : original text, perhaps suffering from the thrill of a stage so important, the performance is somewhat uncertain, but perhaps the song that does not help to understand the real possibilities. Rated 5 / 6 insipid.
Raphael Gualazzi - Madness of love: a great curiosity for the new "product" of the team of Caterina Caselli, is excited and feels on stage, but resumed with the minutes passed and by the end we realized the quality of the guy who still the courage to bring festival to a jazz piece. 6 Rating Courageous.
Rai.TV Video - Sanremo - Gualazzi Raphael - "Madness of Love
Micalea - Fire and ashes: the best song among young people and in our opinion one of the best in the festival. A catchy melody, a chorus that remains impressed, the characteristics for success are all there. Considering that it has only peaceful 17 years! Rating 7 / 8. Hope
Roberto Amadio - Like Rain: Not great emotions that this singer is not very nice on stage, probably because of anxiety from Ariston. The piece does not say much, not very original, smoothly, without jerks. Rating 6 - Heard.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
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are 28,674 unemployed people in the province!
Forlì- The unemployed are 28,674, 9.6% more than in 2009. The data
decidedly negative about the so-called "chronic" unemployment: 88, 5% of the unemployed, in fact, are workers who have lost or are no longer a job, ie people who were already working but who are unable to re -enter the market. The
11, 5% are those in search of first employment.
Negative data by age: as much as 54.7% of the unemployed falls in the range between 30 and 49 years. Very alarming that 24.9% of the unemployed (one out of four) has more than 50 years.
In 2010, the authorized hours of layoffs in the province was 6,333,000, against 4,635,000 in 2009. The peak is now very long wave of crisis should arrive between March and April: "At that time, we intend to layoffs for many companies and if there are no signs of recovery will be difficult times because after the layoffs can only come mobility, ie redundancies ".
not even who rejoices in the work it does. The only consolidation is that of uncertainty: in the province of Forlì-Cesena goodwill to the work of 2010 were 90.8% for term . Conversely grow the 'atypical' (project contracts, collaborations) 8, 5%, 24.3% of the internships.
All recipes crisis have failed. Now we need to reject any request to the sender of new sacrifices pay those who have never paid, not the world of work. The capitalist crisis is worsening. All illusions liberal or Keynesian, all the recipes of the priests of the capital, are in front of their failure. The costly rescue of the bankers at the expense of taxpayers does not reverse the slope of the crisis, either in America or Europe. A larger wave of recession threat once more the living conditions of hundreds of millions of workers, already burdened by decades of sacrifices. The truth is that only one anti-capitalist perspective can indicate an escape from the real economic and social crisis.
What all of them out, rule the workers!
Forlì- The unemployed are 28,674, 9.6% more than in 2009. The data
decidedly negative about the so-called "chronic" unemployment: 88, 5% of the unemployed, in fact, are workers who have lost or are no longer a job, ie people who were already working but who are unable to re -enter the market. The
11, 5% are those in search of first employment.
Negative data by age: as much as 54.7% of the unemployed falls in the range between 30 and 49 years. Very alarming that 24.9% of the unemployed (one out of four) has more than 50 years.
In 2010, the authorized hours of layoffs in the province was 6,333,000, against 4,635,000 in 2009. The peak is now very long wave of crisis should arrive between March and April: "At that time, we intend to layoffs for many companies and if there are no signs of recovery will be difficult times because after the layoffs can only come mobility, ie redundancies ".
not even who rejoices in the work it does. The only consolidation is that of uncertainty: in the province of Forlì-Cesena goodwill to the work of 2010 were 90.8% for term . Conversely grow the 'atypical' (project contracts, collaborations) 8, 5%, 24.3% of the internships.
All recipes crisis have failed. Now we need to reject any request to the sender of new sacrifices pay those who have never paid, not the world of work. The capitalist crisis is worsening. All illusions liberal or Keynesian, all the recipes of the priests of the capital, are in front of their failure. The costly rescue of the bankers at the expense of taxpayers does not reverse the slope of the crisis, either in America or Europe. A larger wave of recession threat once more the living conditions of hundreds of millions of workers, already burdened by decades of sacrifices. The truth is that only one anti-capitalist perspective can indicate an escape from the real economic and social crisis.
What all of them out, rule the workers!
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The national alliance of large
M. Bartocci the poster- Rather than kiss the frog, this time he just swallowed. Nichi Vendola confirmation to take "very seriously in the spirit of the Democratic Party proposes a coalition enlarged to Gianfranco Fini. To the point that makes it directly. With a distinction: the drive as a democratic Rosi Bindi and not a neo-liberal or moderate technocrat. The proposed Vendola and strings: a transitional government in order to Di Pietro Fini is changing the electoral law, to resolve the conflict of interests and guarantee pluralism. Then all enemies as before, Fini and the center-right on his way. The only condition is that you can not "entrust the reins of this 'grand coalition' or a Mario Monti Luca Cordero di Montezemolo." The turning
"riparian" Pugliese President leaves stunned the so-called 'core' and let cool even the Democratic Party. Of course, the feeling between Bindi and Vendola is not new. The same president of the Democratic Party to the festival in Turin in September said that "on some things I agree more with him than with people in my party." But the idea of \u200b\u200bhis candidacy is not in things. "I thank you for your words of appreciation, but we must start from the policy, without affecting our comparison with names and nominations, as evidenced by himself taking a step back. " Then extends a warm welcome in the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility: "Finally Vendola recognizes that we need a broad democratic coalition, the national responsibility. The Democratic Party has long supported him. " More
still icy Massimo D'Alema on TG3: "I want to thank you for Nichi Vendola indicated a person of great value as Rosy Bindi. Of course, since we are talking about a grand coalition, the candidate must be agreed and not imposed from anywhere. " Greetings and kisses, sit on the bench and goodbye "Obama blank. Even
Facebook profile governor's comments are divided. No problem about Bindi, but some store two years' narrative 'based on primary, change and' construction of the alternative "leaves you flabbergasted the most. Suddenly the end of Berlusconi becomes an issue emergency. Politicized. And not the result of a deep country, in fact, trying another 'story'.
The 'turning point' vendoliana stems from a difficulty shared at least with its very restricted circle with the imprimatur of Fausto Bertinotti. To escape the 'trap' of a government emergency situation but in all reality and hyper-political moderate, here is the classic "knight move". Recalling the nightmare of '98, the fear of being massacred in the event of victory for Berlusconi's alliance failure, better insist openness to Fini and Casini, but applying for the Bindi, in order to maximize the divisions in the Democratic Party. Pure tactics. Fini also an opening to the day when Finian even disappear by the Senate. Fini
ally Vendola is "disconcerting," "un'armatina Brancaleone", gloating in the PDL. A hypothesis that is a bluff or no hope in the 'third pole', or is at least as impervious implementation. A council of ministers to open Tremaglia, the Binet or the sponsor Andrea Ronchi private water can make people smile. But ask for the votes to return to vote after one year is an insane proposal. Not to mention that the PD and IDV interpret the "knight move" as a waiver of both Vendola primary to the premiership. (...)
Granata, finiano doc says: are ready to ally with Vendola

M. Bartocci the poster- Rather than kiss the frog, this time he just swallowed. Nichi Vendola confirmation to take "very seriously in the spirit of the Democratic Party proposes a coalition enlarged to Gianfranco Fini. To the point that makes it directly. With a distinction: the drive as a democratic Rosi Bindi and not a neo-liberal or moderate technocrat. The proposed Vendola and strings: a transitional government in order to Di Pietro Fini is changing the electoral law, to resolve the conflict of interests and guarantee pluralism. Then all enemies as before, Fini and the center-right on his way. The only condition is that you can not "entrust the reins of this 'grand coalition' or a Mario Monti Luca Cordero di Montezemolo." The turning
"riparian" Pugliese President leaves stunned the so-called 'core' and let cool even the Democratic Party. Of course, the feeling between Bindi and Vendola is not new. The same president of the Democratic Party to the festival in Turin in September said that "on some things I agree more with him than with people in my party." But the idea of \u200b\u200bhis candidacy is not in things. "I thank you for your words of appreciation, but we must start from the policy, without affecting our comparison with names and nominations, as evidenced by himself taking a step back. " Then extends a warm welcome in the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility: "Finally Vendola recognizes that we need a broad democratic coalition, the national responsibility. The Democratic Party has long supported him. " More
still icy Massimo D'Alema on TG3: "I want to thank you for Nichi Vendola indicated a person of great value as Rosy Bindi. Of course, since we are talking about a grand coalition, the candidate must be agreed and not imposed from anywhere. " Greetings and kisses, sit on the bench and goodbye "Obama blank. Even
Facebook profile governor's comments are divided. No problem about Bindi, but some store two years' narrative 'based on primary, change and' construction of the alternative "leaves you flabbergasted the most. Suddenly the end of Berlusconi becomes an issue emergency. Politicized. And not the result of a deep country, in fact, trying another 'story'.
The 'turning point' vendoliana stems from a difficulty shared at least with its very restricted circle with the imprimatur of Fausto Bertinotti. To escape the 'trap' of a government emergency situation but in all reality and hyper-political moderate, here is the classic "knight move". Recalling the nightmare of '98, the fear of being massacred in the event of victory for Berlusconi's alliance failure, better insist openness to Fini and Casini, but applying for the Bindi, in order to maximize the divisions in the Democratic Party. Pure tactics. Fini also an opening to the day when Finian even disappear by the Senate. Fini
ally Vendola is "disconcerting," "un'armatina Brancaleone", gloating in the PDL. A hypothesis that is a bluff or no hope in the 'third pole', or is at least as impervious implementation. A council of ministers to open Tremaglia, the Binet or the sponsor Andrea Ronchi private water can make people smile. But ask for the votes to return to vote after one year is an insane proposal. Not to mention that the PD and IDV interpret the "knight move" as a waiver of both Vendola primary to the premiership. (...)
Granata, finiano doc says: are ready to ally with Vendola
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011
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PRIME TIME report cards
Crush return with I confess, a very 60's swing, nothing special, a mini challenge to the presence of the phrase "I do not think in God. " Well, the soprano of Morricone at the close of the piece. Rated 5 overvalued
Davide Van De Sfroos , there was great anticipation for the Como and songwriter did not disappoint, Yanez is a very nice piece, rhythm and outside the box, you do not understand all the words but not matter. It will be a surprise though. 7 rating is not only the Roman or Neapolitan.
Anna Oxa , My soul sings but the man is believed to trust because you do not understand anything, not even a word that is one. Rated 3 Incomprehensible.
Tricarico, with three colors not win the festival but the piece in its simplicity is a little gem! rating 7 Sublime.
Madonia Luca and Franco Battiato with The alien, sings almost exclusively Madonia apart from the last verse and the part affected, the voice is small and vaguely (very vaguely) a draft of the heart early 80's. 6 Rating only Battiato
Patty Pravo, The wind sings the song and roses in his own way but we understand little of what he says. The song does not add anything new, he knows he already felt. Rating 5 / 6 for his career.
Nathalie Giannitrapani, Vivo suspended is the surprise of the evening, the winner X-Factor pulls out the best performance of the evening with a song intense and non-trivial. Rated Surprise 7.
Part understated the festival weblog Morandi, a stuttering start with Antonella Clerici and daughter of two years. Poor thing he wanted to be sleeping in the child confused, not even a smile to the mother in trouble, we say just revenge. Then enters a Gianni Morandi obviously excited and embarrassed, not to be better with the addition of two ingessatissimi Luke and Paul. Two words for the outline and then we come to music, ballet initial dubious taste, if they do not understand the meaning someone will try to explain it. Belen Rodriguez is disfigure a beautiful Canalis perhaps over the top (Morandi takes on the closure of the jury's vote, he could risparmiarselo). More beautiful than good in the soubrette Argentine tango with the famous Argentine tanger, sad to revisit the Travolta-Thurman dance in Pulp fiction attempted by Morandi with Canalis. Ashamed of the song Luke and Paul on Berlusconi and Fini, a fantasy and freedom that they made him want to turn off. Even jokes about Berlusconi frankly we can not anymore.
Giusy Ferreri comes on stage first with a very questionable dress (two stripes on the front, half-naked belly and chest) will start the song ( The immense sea ) shyly, almost out of tune, the voice is safe, but may be the emotion. 6 Rating estimation, better deal with it.
Luca Barbarossa and Raquel Del Rosario : sing up deep, beautiful Ms. Alonso, also sings very well, the chorus is very catchy, Luke is almost a second voice that the singer. rating 6 + Storm
Roberto Vecchioni: curiosity for this song (still love Call ) defined by so many wonderful. After a few verses we can also understand perhé. The usual song moralizing, moralistic and politicized (this darkness will end, young people in the streets defending the school, the thought that is killed, young people in the desert ...). Rhetorical Rated 4.
Anna Tatangelo, more that the song remains in mind the look, aggressive, short hair, the song reminds in some parts the first Nannini way, rocking, but does not say much more than the title ( Bastardo ed.). Rating 5 / 6 homework

Max Pezzali with My second time we announce the return of Max Pezzali in style, found sounds 883 and to convince the first listen, the voice might suffer a bit of emotion but it is clearly the best of the singers esibitisi before him. Simply rating 7 883.
Anna Oxa , My soul sings but the man is believed to trust because you do not understand anything, not even a word that is one. Rated 3 Incomprehensible.
Tricarico, with three colors not win the festival but the piece in its simplicity is a little gem! rating 7 Sublime.
Modà along with Emma Brown, after waiting Grenda feel finally comes, the piece is beautiful, it takes chorus, sounds very "Negramaro", coupled with the beautiful Emma but expected a little something in more. Rated 6.5 by resentment.

Patty Pravo, The wind sings the song and roses in his own way but we understand little of what he says. The song does not add anything new, he knows he already felt. Rating 5 / 6 for his career.
Nathalie Giannitrapani, Vivo suspended is the surprise of the evening, the winner X-Factor pulls out the best performance of the evening with a song intense and non-trivial. Rated Surprise 7.
Albano, a veteran of the festival, and it shows with free Amanda, sings well, a piece in its strings. 6 Rating Albano
Anon Helix Vs Figment
Tonight at 61 ° off the Italian Song Festival in Sanremo
Finally tonight will begin the 61 ° Festival di Sanremo, by Giannni Morandi accompanied, as we all know by now Belen Rodriguez and Elisabetta Canalis . How will the prime time? Also opening this year will be the symbolic passing of the baton from Antonella Clerici (host of the 2010) Gianni Morandi at all through a sketch that will evoke the scene of scores from the orchestra launched into the air in protest at the 'exclusion of Malika Ayane by the trio of finalists put in place last year in the last evening of the Festival, Clerici should "collect" those scores returning it to its rightful owners.
Giusy Ferreri - The immense sea
Anna Tatangelo - Bastardo
La Crus - I confess
Max Pezzali - My second time
Davide Van de Sfroos - Yanez
Anna Oxa - My soul of man
Fashion ' with Emma Brown - will come
Luca Madonia with Franco Battiato - The Alien
Patty Pravo - The wind roses

will be the rookie Giusy Ferreri to officially open the Music the 61st edition of the Sanremo Festival, here's the lineup of the big race:
Luca Barbarossa Raquel Del Rosario - up deep
Roberto Vecchioni - Call still love
Anna Tatangelo - Bastardo
La Crus - I confess
Max Pezzali - My second time
Davide Van de Sfroos - Yanez
Anna Oxa - My soul of man
Tricarico - 3 Colors
Fashion ' with Emma Brown - will come
Luca Madonia with Franco Battiato - The Alien
Patty Pravo - The wind roses
Nathalie Giannitrapani - Suspended Vivo
Al Bano - Free Amanda
At the end of the exhibition will witness the presentation of the eight young people, whose race will begin on Wednesday 16 .
We come now to the guests the first night will be the Argentine dancer Miguel Anguel Zotto, who is reputed to be the best teacher of tango in the world and will perform a fan dance (La Cumparsita) with Belen, and the Italian National Rhythmic Gymnastics , plurimedagliata in Olympics and World Championships.
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