Friday, March 11, 2011

What Software Does Jib Jab Use

The right to insurrection in the tradition of bourgeois revolutionary

Also tomorrow we will be square ... but, as always, by revolutionaries. Note on the event for the Constitution.
One of the commonplaces of their Togliatti and the nennismo, inherited from the "radical left" is to consider the Constitution of 1948 "the most advanced among the bourgeois-democratic constitutions." Far from it. This is a real distortion of history in which the Stalinists and social democrats are masters.
the historical viewpoint is false because the constitution of '48 was the compromise between the Italian bourgeoisie in the era of advanced decay bourgeoisie and the Stalinist and social democratic direction of the Italian workers' movement which, obedient to Stalin's agreement with Churchill and Roosevelt, imposed on the working class in weapons of merely a bourgeois parliamentary democracy. Instead of struggling to impose its revolutionary dictatorship of the working class had to settle for a constitution which, according to the same Togliatti and nenniani, yesterday and today, "has never been applied."
In theory the constitution of 1948 does not bear comparison with the constitutions of the revolutionary bourgeoisie and, in particular that the year of the French republic best known as the Jacobin constitution. In that Constitution, the bourgeoisie revolutionary reached the zenith of political democracy because Article 35 of the Declaration, which sets out the basic principles, including the right is the insurgency.
"When the government violates the rights of the people, the insurgency is for the people and for each part of the people the most sacred of rights and the most indispensable of duties". Art. 27 states that "any individual who usurps sovereignty is instantly put to death by free men." The opponents of Jacobinism have always tried to confuse the law with the insurrection tyrannicide. The tyrannicide their aristocracy is a theory that provides the action of individual or small groups and excluding the action of the masses. For the Jacobins, the bourgeois democrats more consistent, the right to insurrection comes from the same popular sovereignty, democracy:
"Democracy - Robespierre wrote - not a state in which the people, meeting constantly regulates all public affairs , still less is a state in which one hundred thousand popular political groups, with uncoordinated action, rush, decide the fate of a society. Democracy is a state where people have reigns supreme by itself as far as possible using delegates and where it is not able to do alone "
Article. And Article 35. 27 of the constitution are dictated by the Jacobin revolutionary Robespierre healthy realism aware that, even in the best democratic regimes, when lacking the leadership of the masses, it becomes pure formalism and paves the way for the "violation of the rights of the people."
Togliatti and Nenni, who are interested, only, to carve out a political space in games of parliamentary corruption, were careful to introduce in the Italian constitution to fight for the right to insurrection.
However, there is a point that Togliatti now forgotten. In the document that systematized the "Italian road to socialism" (Elements for a policy statement of the Italian Communist Party Congress-VIII), it is written that:
"The armed insurrection is an act in which the working class and the people can be forced by the blatant violation of the law and the use of violence by part of the capitalist ruling classes in the stubborn defense of their privileges and to destroy democracy. "
The history of the Italian state is a continuous sequence of violation and violence of the ruling classes of the Portella della Ginestra massacre in Genoa in July 2001.
Who fills his mouth on the defense of the Italian constitution should remember that the attack was successful to the constitution and in particular Article. third ("task of the republic is to remove barriers to economic and social) have made the leaders of the center-left Prodi by Amato who initiated the disastrous privatization of public industry.
now even the blind and the deaf have understood that Berlusconi will be a popular uprising expelled only because those who have prospered in the parliamentary system as corrupt as the leaders of the center-yelp only knows, not even bark.
Gian Franco Camboni
provincial section of Sassari
Communist Workers' Party


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