Friday, March 18, 2011

Quotes For Best Friends Forever For Picnik

On the nuclear barbarism

The Japanese government was forced to admit that the level of radioactivity has grown in Tokyo (250 miles from the disaster area), and is 20 times higher than normal.
... The nuclear reactor hit by the tsunami a week ago are already out of control.
Hydrogen is separated from the water used for cooling the reactor to provide the poor, creating a chain of explosions.
These explosions release highly radioactive particles and gases in the atmosphere.
How did we get here?

The reactors in question have been installed in a seismic zone and the use of their time had long expired.
The reasons for these choices have been justified with the usual nonsense: cut costs to the rising prices of energy to maintain and increase the benefits of capitalism.
It has been argued that nuclear power is "clean", without considering their potential danger.
This occurs after the huge oil spill by British Petroleum in the Gulf of Mexico, following the implementation of safe practices in deep waters.
The "model" of capitalist exploitation of nature is socially exhausted and has become a direct threat to humanity.

The Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine, announced in the '80s, the end of the Stalinist regime.
The disaster in Japan, found most of the irrationality of capitalism, the wars, concentration camps and genocide.
The law of private profit and the corresponding exploitation of human labor and del'ambiente be responsible for plundering the natural and social misery.
Capitalism has deployed all its irrationality possible, sacrificing the public interest for the promotion of private waste, which produces the deprivation of most basic necessities.
as this tragedy unfolds, the concern of governments, have priority to hide the truth to the people and minimize the extent of huge losses. And take advantage of the distraction of other events to accelerate the repression of the Arab revolution in Libya, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.
Humanity can dominate nature in a mutual benefit, whether mastered their social relationships, abolishing the antagonism of the exploitation of man by man ...
The delivery of the world socialist revolution is more relevant than ever. Socialism or barbarism

Taken from Prensa Obrera: original article


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