Friday, January 14, 2011

Kaiser Test Results Phone Number

and Revenge - Case Ruby

promulgated by the Head of State Giorgio Napolitano on April 7 of 2010, Law 51 provides, in two articles that for prime minister and ministers, summoned to appear in court as an accused, such failure constitutes "the concurrent exercise of one or more of the powers provided for by laws or regulations."

Silvio Berlusconi
This was the subject of the litigation, a law that allowed the head of government to be able to perform its duties freely without the constraint having to attend numerous court hearings against him created, note that the intent was to rely on it for only one term.

But in Italy we are not in a normal country, let's see the left: they are still the subject of such failure the "relevant preparatory and consequential damages and any activity, however, the co-essential government functions" but (and here is the barbatrucco) provided, however, does not prejudice the power of the court to assess the ground. I bet the judges will not evaluate as many activities such failure of Berlusconi? (The full decision of the council you can find it here )

look like the comic, but there is nothing to laugh n eanche time for the Constitutional Court to file the reasons delladecisione yesterday on the cause for such failure: the Milan public prosecutor and unleashes a new, heavy offensive against the Prime Minister . On what? They do not have much imagination to tell the truth ...

Here's the power of attorney: "In relation to partial and fragmentary information that has been disseminated in order of timely information, and respecting the constitutional principle of innocence, is considered necessary to provide the following information. In Case 55781/2010 were entered icle Minetti and others for crimes n.7 Law 75/1958 (prostitution) and 600 a Criminal Code (child prostitution). On December 21, 2010 was also written to Mr Silvio Berlusconi for crimes cp 317 (extortion), made in Milan on 27 and 28 May 2010, and 600 a Criminal Code (use of child prostitution) in Arcore, from February to May 2010, the injured party Karima el Maghroub that Ruby). As part of ongoing investigations were carried out house searches in c OMPARISON Nicole Minetti of the suspect as well as to several people informed about the facts. E ' was also notified to Mr Silvio Berlusconi and his lawyers subpoena accompanied by a detailed indication of sources of evidence for the hypothesis of crime attributed to him .
Here's the comment of
Capezzone , spokesman for the PDL: "Before the usual and worn script, the fact of leaks and accusations improbable, citizens can once again choose whether to be indignant or yawn. I am sure that an increasingly large majority of Italians have understood what is at stake and will hang 'in support of the Prime Minister. And if you still there ' someone, and not just in politics, who thinks he beat Silvio Berlusconi by the courts will once again bitter disappointments. Possible that there are no more left 'nor' guaranteed, and this is not surprising, but even politicians realized, able to understand that the judicial shortcut leads them into a blind alley? ".

Nicole Minetti
According to the indictment, Berlusconi had tried to conceal that he was a minor client of a prostitute in many meetings during the weekend at his villa in Arcore were afloat and avoid the background of the parties which participated. Furthermore, according to the indictment, the prime minister on the night between 27 and 28 May abused its institutional position to lead the police station in Milan to rely unduly the then 17 year old Moroccan Karima "Ruby" El Mahroug, escaped from a community for children of Genoa, the Lombardy Regional Council pdl Nicole Minetti. According to allegations, the Knight would, if convicted, from 4 to 12 years for extortion and 6 months to 3 years for child prostitution. There is only one of the premier figures involved. Are underway in the morning raids in Milan, including Joseph Spinelli, its director of trust (is not investigated). Nicole Minetti, Emilio Fede " we learn from the newspapers, I know nothing. I have not received any official action on the part of judges, nor did I suffer any search " Lele Mora and are facing charges of abetting prostitution and child and adult.
What to add? It remains to note that the bitterness in Italy feel the lack of a justice that is truly on the side of citizens, from institutions, from the state. Processes that last a lifetime, is a few days ago, when a postal employee acquitted after 13 years of trials did not make the fact. Really need all this effort to frame Berlusconi would be better to devote to the processes or serious?
the next


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