things first, the first block of performances :
Roger ( Renato Carosone - Tu vuo'fà American ): little voice and even out of time, once again sings a song dialect, but does not improve the disappointing performance in last week's English. She will sing in Italian? Dilemma. -
Doppler Effect ( Queen - Do not Stop Me Now) : a problem for them to keep time and rhythm, but overall they make a good show, they seem to have found the right way . Started. -
Manuela (Burt Buckarack -? ): funny trick to Elio, fake mustache and eyebrows, perhaps the best without a doubt the top hide labbrone redone (but why ruin it?). She sings pretty well a light pop song. Survived. -
Dorina ( Anna Oxa - A feeling that little ): he can sing, no doubt, determination to sell, even too much for this piece is too loaded, too yelled, not exhibition of the best but not disastrous. Research. -
Kymera ( Enrico Ruggeri - Powder ): The piece does not seem too bad, almost handsome, but they ... more unbearable to the eye (Tommasini where?) Maybe sing a little better performances of the previous but not much. Struduli.

comes the second block of performances:
Nathalie ( - Little Man ): difficult confrontation with one of the most talented singers we've ever had in Italy, Mia Martini, but not Nathalie copying, even tries to reinterpret the song in its own way and succeeds in the great, living the part. The X-Factor is here ladies and gentlemen. -
David ( Carol King - Feel the earth move ) is in the piece and would like Mara Maionchi sings it very well. His genre is this, no doubt, remains a curiosity to hear him sing in Italian because it is in Italian and will grow to a possible future career. Promise. -
Nevruz ( Nirvana - Lithium ): very, very good, also grappling with a song that represents it and that is in their strings. Excellent. -
Borghi Bros ( Ron - Piazza Grande ): beautiful piece of song Italian, the surprising performance of the two brothers of Sassuolo, nothing to add, very good. Next case. -
Stefano (Francesco De Gregori - Good night floret ): it is good that his story is fraught with emotion as we know, moves all, but here we have to assess the singer, not the story. The voice is not even accurate intonation, can not even convince myself this time. Missing.

As a new singer Cassandra enters for the team Elio who sings in a surprisingly all its a beautiful piece brought to success by Mina.
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