Here is the text of starvation that has won the young singer-songwriter unenforceable Roman
New episode of our favorite musical talent, this time in version of slightly reduced to make way for deepening the Champions League. Single round and then for the singers in the competition.
David ( Giusy Ferreri - Novembre ): Loffi part too, improves a bit 'when the piece is made faster, but not convincing. The idea was certainly good but the results as has been below expectations, perhaps because he sings in Italian, maybe it was a piece in its strings. Too bad.
Manuela ( Evanescence-Bring Me to Life ) piece that I really like it maybe they are affected by this in court but I was not convinced. It is a piece that can interepretare Manuela, a lot of effort in the more lower and upper parts of the URL in close, it seemed the limit. Decomposed at different times of the voice of the song. Disappointment.
Doppler Effect (The Rokes - It 's the rain that goes ): Another nice piece, perhaps a bit' dated, got a shade too high for the group of Roger, but taken from a slow start the boys if get by, as always, without infamy and without praise but also not cheap. Normal.
Dorina ( Tina Turner - The best ): nothing to say, perfect!
Stefano ( Patty Labelle - Lady Marmelade ) was only amused him. Item Scarsini and uncertain. Intonation? No we did not, but it was his best evidence. Postponed to September.
Nathalie ( Patty Pravo - Pazza idea ): amazing performance, with applause! Incomprehensible criticism of judges. X-FACTOR
Kymera ( Midge Ure - Breath ) is not singing this, come on where are the voices? However, the only decent thing was the makeup of Tommassini matrix for the effect of the two.
Cassandra ( Diana Ross - You Can not ... love ): dazed but compelling new singer Elio. Excellent first performance, precise, funny and witty. Discovery.
Roger ( Jovanotti - For you ): wrong song for a boy so young, it fails to enter the piece, more worried about not being out of tune than what he's singing. Little say and hear. Last warning.
Nevruz ( Luis Miguel - We kids today ): a performance intentionally over the top, as he wanted to Elio did certainly not a memorable song. He did not hurt, contrary to what one might have expected it went great. Surprise.
the ballot this time as a surprise, the Doppler effect and Manuela, the challenges have final saw the group of Henry certainly prevail, but the judges, perhaps not wanting to do wrong a little lucky in his career, singer, decided to hold Manuela.
new look, new album and new song for the Albanian singer Anna Oxa . The piece is a canzonicina who knows already heard, already said. An exaggerated enthusiasm for a singer like Oxa, listen to charity, but no more. To make things worse in playback singing! (That fool), with a setting probably created by and do annoying Tommassini diva who could spare. Unrecognizable.